For Dana.
I remember back the to very first week that I was in Thailand-- heart broken, confused, and dreading the year to come. I had no idea why I was here... couldn't I just as easily have done something "less risky" in the States? Dana was my go-to girl. Her daily emails of encouragement gave me the strength to keep going. Her wisdom was the wisdom of God, and He used it to teach me and heal me. Her company here these past five months has been none other than the ministry of the Spirit to me. During the flood, when I had no idea where I would sleep each night or what to do each day, her hospitality gave me life and joy. I will forever think of her when I eat dark chocolate, and I have her to thank for my love of Thai rice cakes.
I feel infinitely more comfortable in my surroundings now than that first week, but I still could not tell you exactly why God brought me to Thailand in the cut-and-dry-answer sort of way... but I do know that God has me exactly where he wants me. This adventure was the Lord's plan, not simply my own choice. How could I not believe that this was His will for me, when he sent me such a friend-- such a blessing-- as Dana? The timing, the lessons learned, the moments shared, the friendship deepened, the miles run... It is all just too good for it not to have been the hand of the Lord.
And if I cannot see the big picture of my own life, I certainly do not understand the big picture of Dana's life. But I am confident of one reason for Dana's five months in this country: to be a breath of fresh air for me. If that was the reason Dana was sent here.. goodness gracious, was the Lord's will ever accomplished! She gave me a glimpse of good living when my heart was burdened. She showed me the Living God when I had forgotten to look for Him.
I don't think I ever would have made it this long without her. Good thing the Lord knew that. :)
my first visit to Pattaya. |
on the beach in Krabi. |
sunset dinner on the beach. |
trekking in the jungle. |
nothing says "spiritual retreat" like Starbucks. |
new years in BKK. |
half marathon in BKK. |
together in Phuket. |
"Go out into this world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living, and of the Living God." -Philippians 2:15
Love the "nothing says spiritual retreat like Starbucks". I'll amen that. What a wonderful friendship the Lord sent you at just the right time...His time.
ReplyDeleteI love this. Dana is such a blessing, and so are you.