Tuesday, November 15, 2011

festival of lights

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity of witnessing part of a Buddhist festival called Loi Khrathong (loy-gah-tong).  The main part of the holiday involves sending off little decorated boats onto the river to pay respect to the water spirits.  Like many other long-standing traditions, the meaning of the ritual is not exactly the reason that most Thais are doing it, but it is to have fun and build common experience among a people. 

I did not go to a boat launch, but instead, I went to a wat (temple) in Chiang Mai for a different part of the festival that is only celebrated in the North.  It is a festival of lights called Yi Peng, and it is celebrated as a part of Loi Khrathong because they take place during the same lunar cycle (but they do not really originate from the same thing).  At Yi Peng, huge floating lanterns are sent off into the night sky to honor Lord Buddha, asking for forgiveness and making merit.

It is a beautiful festival...

...like something straight out of the Disney movie Tangled.  As a Christian, though, it is kind of a heartbreaking festival as well.  I watched as thousands of Thais performed an act which they may or may not have believed was releasing them from their sin and giving them good favor. [this video shows what I am talking about]

I believe that this world is incredibly spirit-filled, that there is much more than meets the eye... and that spirit that gives life to the world is the HOLY Spirit of the One, True, Living God.  The Spirit that lives in me is the same Holy Spirit which God breathes into all of humankind-- into each Thai person who sent off a lantern-- that brings forth life.  It is the same spirit that enables the trees to "clap their hands" and mountains to "sing out in praise" (Isaiah 55).  Yes, I do believe the SPIRIT is in and all around us.

And it breaks my heart that so many people cannot see it.  They only see the false shadow of it.

I have a dream-- a prayer.  That maybe one day the same festival will be celebrated in Thailand, but with a very different meaning.  I can imagine the festival of light taking place among Believers, celebrating the living Spirit that burns within them, shedding light in the darkness, turning night to day.  I can imagine a redemption of the practice, which will come from the redemption of hearts.  I can imagine lanterns of hope instead of lanterns of merit.

"All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.  In him was life, and that life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."     John 1:3-5