So, I was on facebook and I clicked on a link to a youtube video which boasted the best marriage proposal ever. It was indeed cool. But then once I was on youtube, it was hard for me to pull myself away (anyone who knows me knows I am a youtube junkie). I clicked on related link after related link on the side of the page, and before I knew it, I was crying my eyes out watching videos of families reuniting. I felt like my mom.
Most of the videos went like this: daddy was away at war and comes home early, little girl is sitting in her first grade classroom, daddy walks in, little girl sees him and is barely able to squeak out any word but “Daddy,” little girl runs straight for him, daddy opens his arms, daddy and little girl tearfully and happily embrace.
It got me thinking…. First, about my own Dad. About what a good father he is and how much I love him and how I cannot wait to see him. I can guarantee you that no matter what time it is or what the weather is like, my Dad will be among the faces welcoming me home from Thailand when I arrive at the Kansas City airport. No matter what the cost or inconvenience to him, he will be there. You see, my Dad is a selfless man—he has loved me since before I even knew what love was. And he might not know it, but my Dad has taught me more than anyone else about love, trust, patience, perseverance and humility. I do not know many people with a faith like my father’s. And that is the honest truth. And I know lots of people of faith.
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Me and my Daddy. |
And then I started thinking of God.
I most often call God by the name of “Father,” but I must admit that it kinda weirds me out when people refer to God as “Daddy.” But as I watched these little girls and their daddies, I could see my relationship with God in it more and more. You see, my Father is a selfless Being. He created me solely to love me. And he has loved me since the beginning of creation. But there has been this great separation… a divorce, if you will. And because of it, I cannot receive his love as fully as he created me to.
I have been reading this book by Donald Miller called Searching For God Knows What. It is all about how we were created to be in relationship—that is, for our value and worth to come from outside of ourselves. Now, that might sound bad at first, and it is bad when the something “outside of ourselves” is finite or less than all-good, less than all-loving… less than God. We were created to be in relationship with God—for Him to fill us up and tell us who we are, to tell us we are loved. But then there was this thing called sin, and ever since then, things between us have been kind of muddled. Darkness has reigned, and we try in vain to find our worth from less-than-worthy sources.
I don't know about you, but I can feel that. I feel that things are not as they ought to have been.
But God has promised that it will not always be this way. There will be a day in the future when The Lord will come, He will make all things new, He will make all of us new, and He will dwell with us again. He will tell us who we are, and we will finally feel defined in a way we never have before.
I confess that at times I selfishly (and stupidly) ask God to hold off on his return. I want to live life, ya know… What if I never get married or have children, or what if I don't have the time to spend my life on some career that I think will prove to God that I really do love him… But when I watch the videos of these little girls, I think more and more that I will not mind so much when I actually see his face. When I hear his voice call my name and he kneels down to hold me.
I have no words to express my yearning for this reunion. I think the only word I will be able to squeak out is “Daddy…” and I won’t even think it sounds silly at all.
I am already excited to see my Dad when I return from Thailand, even though it is many months off. I am sure we will happily and tearfully reunite. Maybe someone will even record it and put it on youtube to make other people cry… But there is a greater reunion which awaits me—and my Dad for that matter. It is the reunion with our Father, which the whole world will see and feel. On that day, we will be like little first graders, unable to utter a word, surprised and delighted beyond containment, running to open arms…
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